Gemini Resilience Workplace

Gemini Resilience Workplace
Business Continuity Evolved.™

Defining the On Demand World

"In a disaster, even if all your computers work, when your people are scattered, unable to communicate to reorganize resources, and not trained for the situation... your technology becomes unleveragable and your operations cease to deliver value."

Each year natural and man-made incidents create business disruptions that in turn cause tens of millions in revenues to flow out of company coffers... even within businesses that employ a "business continuity strategy." That's because the technologies supporting most disaster recovery plans do not take into consideration the human factors within your organization.

Bottom line is that an effective business continuity strategy is as much about human resources as technical resources... how your people will react emotionally and perform operationally in a disaster situation.

Business Continuity is a priority for management today. Massive resources are spent building BC teams, creating strategies, developing maintenance programs and drilling the BC plan into your core competencies. It's your job and you want to sleep at night knowing whatever happens your organization is prepared. So how do you know you have the right plan?

Today's best solution, one that will counteract any detrimental effects to your organization from business disruption regardless of your disaster recovery systems is the Gemini Resilience Workplace™.

In conjunction with IBM's vision of an On Demand Business, Gemini Systems, thought-leaders in business resiliency preparedness solutions, has developed the Gemini Resilience Workplace™ to help your organization make clear connections between your people, your technology and operational infrastructure. Gemini's Resilience Workplace™ automates the execution of your business continuity plans at the time of disruption. It is a single point of access, seamless communication tool that connects your business to your value chain to your people and to your strategies.

As an added benefit, Gemini's Resilience Workplace™ delivers immediate returns on your organization's investment:

  • Built in remote access capabilities without any additional hardware or software investment
  • Lower cost of self-service for human resource type functions
  • Lower cost of IT help desk operations by distributing timely information
  • Improved productivity through voice and wireless based access to information, applications, and processes
  • More collaborative and flexible infrastructure for everyday business

With the Gemini Resiliene Workplace™ you not only solve your business continuity needs, but you also create a more effective and efficient everyday business infrastructure.

Plus Gemini Resilience Workplace™ can keep a business on solid footing no matter what the business disruption. But it takes management leadership and a whole team to bring the right solution to your organization. Now that you have already made the necessary investments in your disaster recovery technology, make the necessary investment in your people. It's time to integrate your business continuity plans into the world class Gemini Resilience Workplace™.


Because You Can't Time A Disaster... But You Can Time The Solution!

Get your business resilience team together and take advantage of Gemini's "FastTrack Program:"

  1. Free Business Resilience Committee Assessment ($5,000 Value)
  2. Free Shared Vision Workshop For Developing And Building Your Gemini Resilience Workplace Solution (Up To $25,000 Value)
  3. Guaranteed 90-Day Implementation Program
  4. Completely Customized Solution - Designed To Your Business Continuity Plans

Limited Time Offer. Click to learn more.

Let's Do Lunch

Let's Do Lunch

Whether you're interested in our FastTrack Program, a return on your business continuity investment, or just learning more about business continuity planning, Gemini Systems can help you move your business continuity plan to the next level.

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