
Technology partnerships that work for you. Gemini's proven track record in the selection and adoption of best of breed technologies is one key reasons behind our ability to succeed and ultimately deliver customer satisfaction. Our talented software architects and engineers have been part of the software revolution and experienced first hand broad sets of technology as they have emerged, gain widespread adoption and then, at times have faded or in most cases, simply evolved into legacy. Over the course of our engagements, we have gained broad and deep collective experience with the products and standards offered by a wide range of vendors.

While we have maintained technological objectivity during customer engagements and often created solutions that utilize multi-vendor components, as a company we have also established some key partnerships. Our partnerships have been strategically chosen and allow us to cover a solution space with the best of breed products , standards, technologies required to satisfy today's business needs.

Gemini customers have benefitted strongly from the fact that we maintain these relationships. We are able to provide plenty of value-add ranging from simple product enlightenment to access to technical experts and practitioners as well to very competitive product resale pricing.

Our partnerships have been: